Working with the British Red Cross, Cruse Bereavement Support has established More than Words. They are providing new opportunities for hundreds of bereaved individuals to meet with others in supportive environments and feel better connected in their local areas.
More Than Words is part of the British Red Cross’ Connecting Communities programme, supported by its partnership with the Co-op to highlight and tackle loneliness and social isolation in the UK.
How they can help
Feelings of loneliness and isolation do not always follow bereavement(s) – there is no right or wrong way to feel. However, for many, the death of another, especially if the person was very close, can create or augment feelings of being alone.
If you ever feel alone following a bereavement, More than Words can help you connect to other people nearby and enjoy the benefits of feeling more involved in your local area.
Their wide-range of peer-led (member-led) activities are designed to promote inclusion and reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation. They do this by:
- Supporting you to understand that you’re not alone in feeling alone. Bereavement can often increase feelings of loneliness and isolation. We’ll help you meet other people with similar experiences who might be feeling the same way.
- Providing opportunities for you to take part in a variety of local activities matched to your interests. These could include (but are not limited to) coffee & cake meet-ups, walking groups and reading clubs.
- Encouraging self-help and peer support – a service that you can turn to instead of, or as well as, other support services.
How you can get involved
More Than Words is available in twelve locations across all four nations of the UK: Bedfordshire, Belfast, Birmingham, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Leeds, Liverpool, London, Manchester, Newcastle, Nottingham and Sheffield.