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Welcome to Leeds Bereavement Forum

Thank you for visiting our website. Sadly Leeds Bereavement Forum is now closed. We hope our website will remain live in a limited format until the end of 2024.

  • Information from our Bereavement Directory of Services should shortly be available on Leeds Directory. A big thank you to Leeds City Council for supporting our work going forward.
  • For more information about Peer Bereavement Support visit Full Circle Funerals who will continue our work in this area. Full Circle Funerals have been fabulous allies for the past eight years and we are very grateful for their ongoing support.

We want to thank all our supporters and friends in Leeds and nationally in the third, statutory and commercial sector for the work we have done together over the last 28 years and we are heartbroken to have closed. Sadly, like many other charities in Leeds and across the UK we need sustainable, long-term funding to be able to continue.

Other bereavement support available

Mindwell, the mental health website for people in Leeds has a great bereavement and loss section for people needing further information and advice.

Cruse Bereavement Support offer a phone line for people wanting to talk about their bereavement on 0808 808 1677.


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