Yorkshire Widowed Social Group

Yorkshire Widowed Social Group

Bereavement Support Group Partner Loss

The Yorkshire Widowed Social Group is a small social support group which meets in Leeds and is run by widows for all widowed people in the Yorkshire area. At present their member’s ages range from 50+ to 80+. They are an all inclusive group so anyone, male or female, who is the surviving partner of a relationship is eligible to join.

The group was originally formed in 1975 as a branch of the National Association of Widows. Recently they have identified the need to widen their core membership to enable them to offer local social facilities to anyone who has suffered the death of a spouse or partner.

They know from personal experience that there is a great need for widowed people to regain self respect and find a purpose in life following the devastation caused by the death of a partner and the ability to socialise and meet with others who have experience exactly the same loss can provide an aid to mental and physical well-being.